
Am I Bariatric Surgery Candidate?

Obesity is defined as the increase in total body fat resulting from an exaggerated intake of calories that exceeds the amount of energy that is used. The measure that is used and that has a better relationship with the factors of the risk of obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI).

Calculate Your BMI

Am I a Candidate?

require require

Your BMI is......

less than 18.5:Underweight
18.5 - 24.9:Normal weight
25 - 29.9:Overweight
30 - 34.9:Class I Obese
35 - 39.9:Class II Obese
40 upwards:Class III Obese


  • A Bariatric Surgery is not a cosmetic surgery and it shouldn’t be considered as one treatment option until there is evidence that other traditional treatments tested by the patient were not effective.
  • Like in all surgical procedures the patients are exposed to bleeding and infections, that’s why the patients must follow up all the pre op and post up care guidelines
  • No surgery can be performed if the patient doesn’t follow up the pre op indications and diet, also if any of the following contraindications exist the surgery is not an option: alcoholism, cancer, cirrhosis, pregnancy, drug addiction, mental health impairment.
  • The surgery is not a miracle, it should be considered as a medical treatment that barely achieves 50% of the patient’s life improvement and the other 50% to regain the patients health and lifestyle it’s the patient’s responsibility along with the commitment of creating new eating habits.

Next steps

To start with your Weight Loss Journey, please download the PDF file “Health Questionnaire” and send it to office.doc@diabetesobesityclinic.com and info@diabetesobesityclinic.com

Pre-operative guide

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