You will be surprised how much the world changes around you when you start dropping that excess weight. Both physical and psychological aspects of your life start to shift and improve.
Dressing rooms are no longer an enemy.
The first thing you might notice is how your clothes fit, look, and feel so much better. Also, because the variety of clothes you can now choose from is so much larger, you can now pick clothes that you like and feel confident in and not for clothes that simply fit. This will change your outlook on shopping, dressing rooms, and outfits. Soon, your closet will be fully replaced by clothes that fit your new body and life, giving you the opportunity to finally show off your sense of style.
Moving will feel a bit awkward.
You might realize that you feel a bit clumsy for a while. This is your body relearning how to walk, sit, and stand without having to carry an extra amount of weight. Your center of gravity is slowly shifting and you’re going to find yourself feeling a bit thrown off balance while your body is readjusting. Don’t worry, this is only temporary. You will be able to move properly and gracefully in no time.
Regaining independence.
If your excess weight was interfering with your mobility, you will notice that losing weight and regaining your ability to do things for yourself is absolutely freeing. No more mobility scooters, wheelchairs, or canes. You will also find that eating right and keeping yourself hydrated makes you have more energy throughout the day, allowing you to remain active for longer periods of time.
Good habits will infiltrate your social circles.
Changes in your lifestyle can start impacting family and friends in a very positive way. A healthy mindset will most likely inspire and encourage others in your social circle to do the same. Plus, if you have kids at home, taking care of food quality and portions will help them develop healthy eating habits from a young age.
Surprise savings.
This is something most people don’t consider but, when you think about it, food is expensive! Reducing the portions of food makes a positive impact on your pocket. That money can go into rewarding yourself with new clothes, trips, makeovers, concerts, dates, you name it!
A thankful body.
Have you noticed the pain on your knees has lessened? Are you able to walk without your back hurting as much? This is an ongoing aspect of weight loss. You will find that pains related to obesity have lessened or in some cases, disappeared completely. This is your body’s way of thanking you for reducing the stress on your joints and bones. The closer you get to your healthy weight, the lesser the pain.